Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Ready are you? What know you of ready?

Who said that exams never end probably didn’t know how right he was.

And here I am. After three months of constant training, and almost 10kgs lost, I’m here with my colleagues Jedi to be, ready to be evaluated by the masters.

In truth more than an examination seemed a good show where everyone showed what he had learned.

There wasn’t great preoccupation, even if watching the movie I saw I was actually more rigid than I had to be.

However in the end we were all there. Sanda, Tai Chi and Kung Fu.
Sequences unarmed and with a variety of weapons. Swords, sabers and sticks, spear, halberd and chain.

Unfortunately my sword sequence was not yet ready.
But I still have a week to make it perfect :-)

The Force is with us!

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